benefits of being fit and healthy-voguentrends

Staying fit and healthy has become an active lifestyle trend for the folks nowadays. Why should not it be? Living healthy has many benefits. Not only does it boost our moods but also keeps us immune and motivated throughout the day and in our lifetime. Adhering to the daily word pressure and chaos in personal lives, it’s imminent that we should treat ourselves to daily workout and exercise plan to stay healthy and think better.

Working out can be in any form like running, jogging, yoga, strength and resistance training. Here we shall discuss numerous benefits of being fit and healthy and how it helps in reducing our stress and keeps us active and going through the hard times.


Weight Loss

Needless to say, the need for workouts to stay in shape. The amount of fast food and long sitting hours at the office have given the more need for this. Exercising help burning these unwanted fats and increases the metabolic rate by burning calories. The more the workout more is the flaunt of cuts and curves through the jaw-dropping beautiful evening gowns.

Good for muscles and bones

Physical exercise stimulates the growth of muscles. On working out, our muscles bear microscopic tears, due to tension in pulling or pushing weights. The healing of this muscular tears absorbs amino acids and helps grow new and fuller muscles. As we all progress towards old age, we tend to lose muscle mass and its functions. Regular working out helps us to stay in shape.

Not only muscles, bones, like muscles, also become stronger by doing regular exercise by increasing weight and resistance. In the long run, working out can also help prevent causing osteoporosis, by increasing the strength of bones.

Heart health


Exercise helps by controlling our heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The daily active lifestyle, oily and junk foods contribute a lot to all three. An active workout plan can help manage and control our heart, apart from the benefits of being fit and healthy in daily life. This, in an all, gives a small insurance of our good hearty health.

Good for skin health

Exercise and working out along with muscular growth also increases the blood flow in our body. Blood removes toxic elements and provides oxygen and hence replenishes our skin to glow and look younger. Exercise also helps firming up your muscles removing the saggy look and adds more to our youth.

Mood Boosters

The increase in serotonin is the key. This helps us regulate our sleep, appetite and even our mood. A reduction in serotonin levels in our body leads to sad mood, depression and even reduced interest in sex. The technique of Mendelian randomization is used by Harward Medical School to deduce that even 15 minutes of running in the day can avert major risks of depression.

Reduces Stress


Along with serotonin, exercise also increases the level of endorphins in our body. Endorphins are responsible for relieving us from pain and stress. They are also natural mood boosters and pain killers working like the drug morphine.

Exercise and Success

Research suggests that exercise has got some connection to the success rate. Working out helps in concentrating ourselves and helps stay us focused in our jobs. Doing Exercise also improves our cognitive functions, enhances creativity and helps us faster to catch and learn new things. Some renowned CEOs have been known to work out on a daily basis.

Working out, in any form whether exercise, yoga or aerobics, inadvertently brings many benefits to our lives. In will always help us to make it a part of our daily lifestyle, in the long run. Do let us know how it has benefitted you, in the comments section below. Also do not forget to check out our crop-top suggestions, that shall help you flaunt your tucked in tummy this summer.